Congratulations to all members who have stepped up to take a bigger role in the club for 2024.
We particularly thank life member Michelle Shields as our long serving canteen manager.
That position is temporarily vacant as Michelle steps back, and we will be looking to transition the role.
President: Justin Malcolm
Vice President: Mitch Arrow
Secretary: Paul Feely
Treasurer: Daniel Findlay
Race Secretary: Bill West
Member Protection Information Officer: Justin Templar
New Member Liaison: Mal Mason
Karting Victoria Delegate: Ray Dumesny
Co Delegate: Mal Mason
VCS Delegate: Daniel Findlay
Club Safety Officer: Mal Mason
Canteen Manager: Vacant
Trophy Buyer: Ray Dumesny
2024 Committee:
Justin Malcolm
Bill West
Mal Mason
Paul Feely
Ray Dumesny
Mitch Arrow
Daniel Findlay
John Page
Matthew Bristow
Justin Templar
Jason Carter
Jason Douglas
Charles Carnie
Grant Johnson
Junior advisors
Flynn Carnie
Dom Kucina
Congratulations and sincere thankyou to Daniel Findlay and the Findlay family.
Countless hours have been spent at the track, at the workshop, and behind a computer for the club over the past year.
Dan, Jess and the boys are regular sights at all club activities, with special mention going to the preparation for our 60th anniversary, the VCS trophies, and the track extension engineering.
Not to mention getting our new club logo and t-shirts over the finish line after many years of trying.
The Ballarat Kart Club thrives through the efforts and many hours put in by its passionate volunteers.
At our recent 60th anniversary celebrations we acknowledged the tireless efforts of two very committed volunteers, Michelle Shields and Paul Feely, with their awarding of Life Membership to the Ballarat Kart Club. Michelle and Paul’s individual contributions over many years has, and continues, to contribute to the success of our club through their work behind the scenes in our month-to-month activities and at race events.
We all thank you both for your amazing contribution and dedication to our club!
Michelle became involved in Ballarat Kart Club well over a decade ago, when her son was competing in karting.
To the club’s good fortune, Michelle continues to volunteer her time as an active committee member, and managing all the aspects of the canteen, from ordering, picking up supplies and operating the canteen to ensuring attendees at race meetings are kept fed and watered.
Michelle, from us all, we thank you for your on-going support of the club.
Paul’s talents have spread across the many disciplines of karting, not only as a driver, but also through his involvement in building the success of the Victorian Country Series (VCS), through photography, promotions and operations, and being a major contributor in growing the series to what it is today. Paul has dedicated countless years to the Ballarat Kart Club, holding the role of President for many years and is currently the Secretary on the club’s committee.
The club has been fortunate to have Paul’s assistance in writing many grant applications, in particular the recently successful Motorsport Grant which will fund the major infrastructure works, extending our track and providing amazing benefits for our members and our success in the future.
Paul also frequently sits out of the kart, in favour of running race meetings as our main official for our club-day events while also being an official at our VCS events. Motorsport and Ballarat Kart Club is a major part of Paul’s life, and like all of our volunteers, we are very fortunate to have people dedicated to supporting the sport that they love.
From all at the Ballarat Kart Club we thank Michelle and Paul for their amazing work and dedication.
Pictured: Michelle Shields (with club President, Bill West) and Paul Feely.
The Ballarat Kart Club 2019 Club Champions are
Cadet 9: Lewis Kucina
Cadet 12: Akasha McEachran
Junior: Grace Dunmore
Senior: John Page
Club Member of the Year: Bill West
Thanks to everyone that took part - we had a thoroughly enjoyable year and look forward to seeing all the racing next year!
It was also a ripper spring day for our last club day of the year on Sunday.
A good sized Combined Light class put on an energetic show, and we had some fun with those that registered for our Come and Try sessions after the racing.
Full results: